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Your Bariatric Surgery Experience: Bariatric Surgery Before and After

Wondering what happens in bariatric surgery before and after? Our comprehensive service covers every aspect of your journey to Tijuana, from start to finish.
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Your Bariatric Surgery Experience: Bariatric Surgery Before and After

Your Bariatric Surgery Experience: Bariatric Surgery Before and After

Wondering what happens in bariatric surgery before and after? Our comprehensive service covers every aspect of your journey to Tijuana, from start to finish.

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Have you ever wondered what happens in bariatric surgery before and after?
Have you ever wondered what a bariatric center in Tijuana can and can't do for you?

Bariatric surgery can deliver remarkable results, but for such a life-changing decision, it's essential to choose the right solution. At Hospital Mi Doctor, we've crafted a comprehensive service that covers every aspect of your bariatric journey, from start to finish.

We call it "Your Bariatric Surgery Experience" and here's what it includes.

Bariatric Surgery Before and After

Bariatric Surgery Before and After

Before you commit to bariatric surgery in Tijuana

Personalized service.
We provide compassionate support through your preferred communication channels—whether it's phone, email, or text message. No bots or Ai robots, you will be talking to another amazing human like you.

Affordable solutions.
By coordinating your treatment with us, you can receive care from a board-certified surgeon at significantly lower costs than in the United States.

You can learn about the costs here.

Be sure we won’t let financial barriers stand in the way of your healthier and happier you.

The A to Z of your travel.
Before your trip to Tijuana, you’ll be informed about your airport pick-up, estimated driving time to the hospital, and even the weather in Tijuana (just in case).

Our goal is to ensure that all your questions are answered. We are committed to supporting you every step of your bariatric surgery journey.

Bariatric Surgery Before and After

Your bariatric surgery experience begins

Arriving in San Diego and transportation to the hospital.
Your bariatric surgery experience continues as you arrive in San Diego. Upon landing at the airport, you'll be greeted by our dedicated transportation team who will ensure a smooth and stress-free transfer to the hospital.

Our service includes convenient and comfortable transportation, so you can start your journey with peace of mind.

Don’t worry about the details of crossing the border to Mexico, we will drive you to the door of the Hospital in Tijuana.

Meeting our team at Hospital Mi Doctor.
Once you arrive at the hospital, our exceptional team will welcome you warmly. We take pride in offering personalized care and support throughout your stay.

From the moment you step through our doors, you'll experience the highest standards of hospitality and professionalism.

And yes! We have bilingual staff, you don’t need to worry about that.

Our staff is here to guide you through every step, addressing any concerns and making sure you feel at ease.

See the exact location of our hospital here

Hospital Mi Doctor Hospital Mi Doctor

Getting to know your surgeon.
Meeting your surgeon is a pivotal moment in your bariatric surgery before and after experience. You'll have the opportunity to discuss your surgical plan, ask any questions, and understand the procedure in detail.

Our board-certified surgeons are dedicated to providing you with comprehensive information and answering all your queries to ensure you feel confident and prepared for the surgery.

Every aspect of your bariatric surgery experience is meticulously planned to ensure a smooth and supportive experience. We're committed to making your transition into this life-changing process as comfortable and informed as possible.

Bariatric surgery before and after

What happens after bariatric surgery?

Staying in Tijuana
After your bariatric surgery in Tijuana, you may need to stay around for an extra day for monitoring. Located in the heart of the city, at Hospital Mi Doctor, we are surrounded by the best hotels in town.

If you need it, we can recommend some of our favorites!

There are different options for all budgets, but your comfort and safety during this time is top of mind for us.

Tijuana has all that you need to provide all necessary accommodations for a smooth recovery. Our staff will make sure you feel accompanied in this part of the journey.

Here’s a top list from U.S. News & World Report.


Going back to home
Once cleared for travel, a comfortable ride back to the San Diego airport, to make sure of a stress-free journey home.

Joining a supportive community
Once you become a client of Hospital Mi Doctor, you earn access to connect with our community of satisfied customers who’ve undergone bariatric surgery.

Sharing experiences and advice can be invaluable as you adjust to your new lifestyle.

You don’t have to do this alone.

bariatric centers in tijuana bariatric centers in tijuana

What our clients say

Video reviews

Post-operation resources

As part of our bariatric surgery experience, we are creating a net of customized contents designed to offer support and to help you maintain your results for you to thrive post-surgery. You will have a Facebook Group of other ways of communications to get in touch with our staff and also provide feedback and ideas on this part of the process. Our service goes beyond the moment you step out of the hospital. We believe in having happy long-term relationships with our clients.

Benefits for Returning Clients and Referrals

Post surgical clients can enjoy our referral system rewards by sharing their positive experience with others.

We’re with you every step of the way, providing the support you need for a successful bariatric surgery journey.

Are you ready to take the next step?

We hope this article has answered all your questions about the bariatric surgery process, from start to finish. At Hospital Mi Doctor, we’re committed to making your bariatric surgery experience as safe, smooth, and pleasant as possible.

Your journey to a healthier life awaits just across the border in your preferred bariatric center in Tijuana. Take the first step today—get in touch with us! We’re here to guide you through every stage of the process.

Hospital Mi Doctor
Trusted By
40,000+ People
Years of Expertise
Number #1
Hospital in Tijuana